Archive for the ‘Positive India’ Category

first ‪Indian female gymnast

Posted: August 12, 2016 in Positive India

‪‎‎Dipa‬ Karmakar is an artistic gymnast who represented India at the 2016 Summer ‪Olympics‬. She is the first ‪‎Indian female gymnast‬ ever to compete in the Olympics, and the first Indian gymnast, man or woman, to do so in 52 years.
The Tripura-girl, who is the country’s first woman gymnast to qualify for the Olympics, managed to perform her much-appreciated ‘Produnova’ vault cleanly to secure 14.850 points after two attempts.
It was a nervous wait for the Indian after that. She had ended sixth after the third of five sub-divisions.She dropped to 8th eventually when Canadian Shallon Olsen’s terrific effort of 14.950 rejigged the overall standings.
But that was just about enough to secure her a place in the finals scheduled for August 14 as the top-8 made the cut for the medal round.
