Model granny of the digital era : An IT savvy granny

Posted: October 20, 2010 in Positive India, Snippets

Rosakutty at an Akshaya centre taking her first lessons in computer

It was in 2005 that Rosakutty, a resident of Kothad village, shot to fame. A granny with stretched earlobes and heavy gold earrings, clad in the traditional Christian attire of white ‘mundu’ and ‘chatta,’ coming to the local Akshaya centre to take her first lessons in computers at the age of 106 was not a common sight.

It turned her into a celebrity overnight with the local and the global media coming to her doorstep to tell her story to the world.

After a while, she became an absolute natural before the lens. “She even used to sing songs for the reporters who came to see her,” Pushkin, one of her grandchildren, recollects.

A year later, she again hogged the limelight when she became one of the oldest persons to vote in the Assembly elections.

Rosakutty, before she passed away, a few days short of her 110th birthday, was, perhaps, one of the biggest advertisements of the reach of IT education in Kerala, India.

The new generation with its lifestyle diseases even before turning 30 will be amazed to know that she had no such ailments but only age-related frailty till she breathed her last.

via The Hindu : Kerala / Kochi News : Model granny of the digital era.

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